Legal notice

General conditions of use of this web page

To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the general information data of this website is indicated below:

  • Owner: Catalan Association of Optometry and Visual Therapy
  • Address: COMTE DE BORREL 179-183, 08015 – BARCELONA
  • Contact:
  • Telephone: 601601381- 937833399
  • Registry data: Entity registered in the Register of Associations of the Generalitat of Catalonia with number 23916 of section 1 of the Barcelona Registry
  • N.I.F: G-62519772


These general conditions (from now on, the “General Conditions”) regulate the use of all the services of this website (from now on “the Portal”) that the entity ACOTV with address at Avenida Mistral, 40, mezzanine 8º de Barcelona (from now on, “the Association or Entity”) makes available to Internet users. By the mere use of the Portal, users express their acceptance and without reservations, which may be modified by the Association at any time. Users will be themselves subject to all those particular conditions, notices or instructions regulations that are brought to their knowledge, in relation to the specific contents or services, which they contemplate with the provisions of these General Conditions as long as they do not oppose them. .


All the graphic documentation included in this web page referring to the different activities or actions, is merely indicative and is subject to possible changes required by the technical evolution of projects and their execution. IN NO EVENT DOES THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTE A CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENT.

The Association reserves all rights to modify, limit or cancel the access and contents of the web at any time, not assuming any responsibility for its update. Likewise, the Association reserves the right to make modifications in the configuration or presentation of its website, being able to make use of such power without prior notice.


Except in the case that they have obtained prior and express authorization specifically granted for this purpose by the Association, users will refrain from obtaining or attempting to obtain any type of content, whether texts, graphics, drawings, sound files, images or photographs, videos, software and in general any kind of material accessible through the Portal or the services used by them, by means other than those that have been made available to you for this purpose or those that are commonly used for this purpose on the Internet.

The reproduction, modification, copying, use, distribution, commercialization, public communication or any other use of the information contained in the Association’s website (including its own design, configuration and form of exposure of the website) that are made without authorization of the Association constitutes an infringement of the law Current legislation on intellectual property.

To facilitate access, the Association may include links to Internet pages owned or managed by third parties. By entering these sites, you will review and accept the rules of use of this page before using it. You also accept that the Association has no control over the content of these pages and that it cannot assume any responsibility for any material created or published by them. In addition, the link to a site outside the Association does not imply that it endorses this site or the products or services to which it refers.


The Association is in no way responsible, either directly or indirectly, for any content, information, communication, opinion or manifestation of any kind that has its origin in the user or any person or entity and that is communicated, disseminated, transmitted or exhibited through this Portal.


All contents, as well as names, Logos, brands and databases accessible on the Portal’s web pages are subject to the industrial and intellectual property rights of the entity or of third party owners. In no case does access to the Portal’s web pages imply any type of waiver, transmission or total or partial cession of the aforementioned rights, nor does it confer any right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the contents or goods. of industrial property without the prior and express authorization specifically granted for this purpose by the entity or the third owner of the rights, except the rights to view and make copies for personal and exclusive use of the user, which must always be exercised in accordance with to the principles of good faith and applicable legislation.

ACOTV and other names of products, services, graphics and logos of the Association are trademarks protected by the entity. The names of other products, services and companies named in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners.